Mühlenbruch Stinnes TOTAL GmbH

Osterholzer Möhlendamm 42-44
28325 Bremen

+49 (0) 421 420 071

+49 (0) 421 400 588


Mühlenbruch Stinnes TOTAL GmbH - a bundle of experience and competence!

Mühlenbruch Stinnes TOTAL is a joint venture between the companies Mühlenbruch Stinnes and TOTAL Mineralöl, which was founded in 2018. With this merger, the strengths and decades of experience in the energy market of both companies were combined. As an energy trader based directly in Bremen and Bremerhaven, Mühlenbruch Stinnes Total always has the concerns and special features of the region in mind and is known to customers as a reliable and competent partner. Innovative and committed, the aim is to continue to convince customers with regenerative and climate-friendly energy in addition to offering classic energy products. Read all you need to know about Mühlenbruch Stinnes TOTAL at: www.mst-energie.de

Customers of Mühlenbruch Stinnes TOTAL make a conscious decision in favour of:

  • decades of experience in energy trading
  • high quality at fair prices
  • personal contact persons
  • punctuality, flexibility and reliability
  • RAL Quality Mark Energy Trading: the quality mark for secure energy purchasing