In the history of pellets, the further development of possibilities and technology can be seen very clearly. Back then, sawdust and wood chips were merely waste products from the sawmill industry. Today, pellets are produced from this valuable raw material and then used for future-oriented and climate-friendly heating by numerous pellet heaters and wood-burning stoves.

Even during the production of wood pellets, care is taken to use as little energy as possible for this completely natural product. Energy wood is also almost climate-neutral, as only the amount of CO2 that was bound by the tree in the course of its growth is released during combustion. Furthermore, the regionality of the Petronord companies ensures that the environment can also be protected through short transport routes during delivery. Thus, pellets score many plus points in terms of energy balance.

But at a glance, pellets have many more sustainable advantages - today and in the future:

  • renewable raw material, from sustainable forestry
  • almost climate-neutral product with high energy efficiency
  • stable price development and high security of supply
  • local product from regional traders